Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Code to change the Electronic payment format of vendor payment journal in D365 F&O

 My requirement is to change the exported format(NACHA) of vendor payment journal.

Standard Format (Existing):

AP>Vendor payment journal>lines>generate payements.

Code to modify the existing format :


internal final class DaxvendOutPaym_NACHA_Extension


   public LedgerJournalTrans  ledgerJournalTrans;

   protected container createACH_HeaderRecord()


       LogisticsPostalAddress  logisticsPotalAddress;

       container   headerACH,con;

       str         value = "HD";

       str         value2,dateValue,value3,datevalue2,effectivedateloc,journalnum,amountcurdebit,accountid,vendorid;


       #define.spc(' ')

       str 50      aditonalname            =   strRep(#spc, 50); //to get spaces of length 50

       value3      = "PYCHK";

       dateValue   = date2str( systemDateGet(),








       effectivedateloc = date2str( effectiveEntDate,









       headerACH = next createACH_HeaderRecord();

       CompanyInfo     companyInfo = CompanyInfo::find();


       select ledgerJournalTrans where ledgerJournalTrans.JournalNum == ledgerJournalId;

       vendorid = LedgerDimensionFacade::getDisplayValueForLedgerDimension(ledgerJournalTrans.LedgerDimension);

       if(ledgerJournalTrans.PaymentStatus == CustVendPaymStatus::None)


           select logisticsPotalAddress

           where logisticsPotalAddress.Location == ledgerJournalTrans.RemittanceLocation;


           value2 = ledgerJournalTrans.PaymReference;



               value3 = value3 + "C";




               value3 = value3 + "D";


           datevalue2 = date2str( ledgerJournalTrans.TransDate,








           amountcurdebit = strRFix(any2Str(ledgerJournalTrans.AmountCurDebit),16,'0');

           // }

           value2 = strRFix(value2,15,'0');

           journalnum = strLFix(ledgerJournalId,30,' ');

           accountid = strLFix(bankAccountTable.AccountID,35,' ');


           headerACH = conNull();

           con = conIns(headerACH,1,value + value2 + dateValue + "\n" + value3 + journalnum

                   + datevalue2 + effectivedateloc + effectivedateloc + amountcurdebit + "." + any2Str(ledgerJournalTrans.AmountCurDebit));

           return con;




           return headerACH;



   protected container createBatchHeaderRecord()


       container   headerBatch;

       headerBatch =  next createBatchHeaderRecord();

       if(ledgerJournalTrans.PaymentStatus == CustVendPaymStatus::None)


           headerBatch = conNull();

           return headerBatch;




           return headerBatch;



   protected container createBatchControlRecord()


       container   headerBatch;

       headerBatch = next createBatchControlRecord();

       if(ledgerJournalTrans.PaymentStatus == CustVendPaymStatus::None)


           headerBatch = conNull();

           return headerBatch;




           return headerBatch;




   protected container createACH_ControlRecord()


       container   headerBatch;

       container  contai;

       str  con = "lohith";

       headerBatch = next createACH_ControlRecord();

       if(ledgerJournalTrans.PaymentStatus == CustVendPaymStatus::None)


           headerBatch = conNull();

           return headerBatch;




           return headerBatch;






internal final class DaxVendOutpaymRecord_NACHA_CCD_Extension


   protected void initRecord()


       next initRecord();

       outputRecord = "";



OutPut :

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