Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Code to get user's assigning roles and removing roles in d365 X++

 My requirement is to get the user assigned roles and removed roles information.

In details :

I'm a Admin user . I've added few roles to a user named "ARNIE".

Added Roles :

Removed Roles :

Removed  the above added one role "Time registration user role".

Code to get the Added Roles :


internal final class DaxSyssecAddRoles_Extension


   public void clicked()


       SecurityRole                 securityRole;

       DaxRoleAssignmentInfoLog     daxRolesAssignmentinfoLog;//custom table.

       UserInfo                     userInfo;

       MultiSelectionHelper         helper;

       SecurityUserRole             securityUserRole;

       FormControl                  callerButton    = any2Object(this) as FormControl;

       FormRun                      formRun         = callerButton.formRun();

       FormDataSource               formDataSource  = formRun.datasource(1);

       if (element.args().dataset() == tableNum(UserInfo))


           userInfo  = element.args().record();


       next Clicked();

       securityRole = formDataSource.getFirst(true);




           daxRolesAssignmentinfoLog.ChangedBy     = curUserId();

           daxRolesAssignmentinfoLog.UserId        =;

           daxRolesAssignmentinfoLog.AssignedRole  = securityRole.Name;

           daxRolesAssignmentinfoLog.SecRecId      = securityRole.recid;

           daxRolesAssignmentinfoLog.Organisation  = curExt();



           securityRole = formdataSource.getNext();





Code to get current removing role record :


internal final class Dax_SysUserInfoManagementForm_Extension


  public static SysSecRole selectedRoleloc;

   public void TreeRolesSelectionChanged(FormTreeItem _newItem)



       next TreeRolesSelectionChanged(_newItem);

       selectedRoleloc = tree.getData(_newItem);


   public static  SysSecRole parmSysSecRole()


       return selectedRoleloc;




Code to update the custom table when role is removed :


public final class DaxSysSecAddUser_Extension


   public void clicked()


       SysSecRole                      secRole;

       DaxRoleAssignmentInfoLog        daxRoleAssignmentInfoLog;

       secRole = SysUserInfoManagementForm::parmSysSecRole();

       next  clicked();

       select forupdate daxRoleAssignmentInfoLog

           where daxRoleAssignmentInfoLog.SecRecId == secRole.getRecId();




           daxRoleAssignmentInfoLog.RemovedRole = daxRoleAssignmentInfoLog.AssignedRole;

           daxRoleAssignmentInfoLog.AssignedRole = "";







Output :

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