Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Code to change the Electronic payment format of vendor payment journal in D365 F&O

 My requirement is to change the exported format(NACHA) of vendor payment journal.

Standard Format (Existing):

AP>Vendor payment journal>lines>generate payements.

Code to modify the existing format :


internal final class DaxvendOutPaym_NACHA_Extension


   public LedgerJournalTrans  ledgerJournalTrans;

   protected container createACH_HeaderRecord()


       LogisticsPostalAddress  logisticsPotalAddress;

       container   headerACH,con;

       str         value = "HD";

       str         value2,dateValue,value3,datevalue2,effectivedateloc,journalnum,amountcurdebit,accountid,vendorid;


       #define.spc(' ')

       str 50      aditonalname            =   strRep(#spc, 50); //to get spaces of length 50

       value3      = "PYCHK";

       dateValue   = date2str( systemDateGet(),








       effectivedateloc = date2str( effectiveEntDate,









       headerACH = next createACH_HeaderRecord();

       CompanyInfo     companyInfo = CompanyInfo::find();


       select ledgerJournalTrans where ledgerJournalTrans.JournalNum == ledgerJournalId;

       vendorid = LedgerDimensionFacade::getDisplayValueForLedgerDimension(ledgerJournalTrans.LedgerDimension);

       if(ledgerJournalTrans.PaymentStatus == CustVendPaymStatus::None)


           select logisticsPotalAddress

           where logisticsPotalAddress.Location == ledgerJournalTrans.RemittanceLocation;


           value2 = ledgerJournalTrans.PaymReference;



               value3 = value3 + "C";




               value3 = value3 + "D";


           datevalue2 = date2str( ledgerJournalTrans.TransDate,








           amountcurdebit = strRFix(any2Str(ledgerJournalTrans.AmountCurDebit),16,'0');

           // }

           value2 = strRFix(value2,15,'0');

           journalnum = strLFix(ledgerJournalId,30,' ');

           accountid = strLFix(bankAccountTable.AccountID,35,' ');


           headerACH = conNull();

           con = conIns(headerACH,1,value + value2 + dateValue + "\n" + value3 + journalnum

                   + datevalue2 + effectivedateloc + effectivedateloc + amountcurdebit + "." + any2Str(ledgerJournalTrans.AmountCurDebit));

           return con;




           return headerACH;



   protected container createBatchHeaderRecord()


       container   headerBatch;

       headerBatch =  next createBatchHeaderRecord();

       if(ledgerJournalTrans.PaymentStatus == CustVendPaymStatus::None)


           headerBatch = conNull();

           return headerBatch;




           return headerBatch;



   protected container createBatchControlRecord()


       container   headerBatch;

       headerBatch = next createBatchControlRecord();

       if(ledgerJournalTrans.PaymentStatus == CustVendPaymStatus::None)


           headerBatch = conNull();

           return headerBatch;




           return headerBatch;




   protected container createACH_ControlRecord()


       container   headerBatch;

       container  contai;

       str  con = "lohith";

       headerBatch = next createACH_ControlRecord();

       if(ledgerJournalTrans.PaymentStatus == CustVendPaymStatus::None)


           headerBatch = conNull();

           return headerBatch;




           return headerBatch;






internal final class DaxVendOutpaymRecord_NACHA_CCD_Extension


   protected void initRecord()


       next initRecord();

       outputRecord = "";



OutPut :

Monday, August 7, 2023

Code to get the Voucher transactions from purchase order receipts


public static void main(Args _args)


       GeneralJournalAccountEntry      generalJournalAccountEntry;

       GeneralJournalEntry             generalJournalEntry;


       while select generalJournalEntry

           where generalJournalEntry.DocumentNumber == "1234" //product receipt number

           && generalJournalEntry.AccountingDate == mkDate(07,08,2023) //delivery date


           while select generalJournalAccountEntry

                    where generalJournalAccountEntry.GeneralJournalEntry == generalJournalEntry.RecId


               info(strFmt("Voucher : %1,Accounitng Currency Amount : %2,Journal num : %3",generalJournalEntry.SubledgerVoucher,generalJournalAccountEntry.AccountingCurrencyAmount,generalJournalEntry.JournalNumber));





Output :

Other Way:

Friday, August 4, 2023

Code to Populate Custom field data from PurchTable to PurchParmtable in D365 X++


   internal final class DaxPurchFormLetterParmData_Extension


       protected VendDocumentTableMap initializeParmTable(

      VendDocumentTableMap  _parmTable,

      PurchLine             _purchLine,

      PurchTable            _purchTable,

      TradeLineRefId        _tableRefId,

      boolean               _hold,

      boolean               _notApproved ,

      Num                   _purchSummaryFormLetterId,

      VendPostingProfile    _postingProfile ,

      InventProfileType_RU  _inventProfileType



           VendDocumentTableMap map = next initializeParmTable(_parmTable,





                                                          _notApproved ,


                                                          _postingProfile ,



           PurchParmTable  purchParmTable  = _parmTable;

           purchParmTable.UserName = _purchTable.UserName;

           return map;




Output :

Other Way :


   internal final class Dax_formLetterParmData_Extension


       public void chooseLines(boolean _processAdditional,

                          VendDocumentTableMap _parmTable,

                          boolean _append)


           PurchParmTable purchParmTable;

           PurchTable purchTable;


           next chooseLines(_processAdditional , _parmTable,_append );


           select forupdate purchParmTable where purchParmTable.RecId == this.parmLastParmTableRecId();

           purchTable = purchTable::find(purchParmTable.PurchId);


           purchParmTable.DaxStatus = purchTable.DaxStatus;





Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Code to get Table Fields and Fieldcount in D365 X++


public static void main(Args _args)


       dictTable   dt;

       DictField   df;

       int         numberOfFields,fieldId,i;


       dt = new dictTable(tablename2id("DaxTable"));

       numberOfFields = dt.fieldCnt();

       for (i = 1; i <= (numberOfFields); i++)


           fieldId = dt.fieldCnt2Id(i);

           df = dt.fieldObject(fieldId);




Output :

Code to get user's assigning roles and removing roles in d365 X++

 My requirement is to get the user assigned roles and removed roles information.

In details :

I'm a Admin user . I've added few roles to a user named "ARNIE".

Added Roles :

Removed Roles :

Removed  the above added one role "Time registration user role".

Code to get the Added Roles :


internal final class DaxSyssecAddRoles_Extension


   public void clicked()


       SecurityRole                 securityRole;

       DaxRoleAssignmentInfoLog     daxRolesAssignmentinfoLog;//custom table.

       UserInfo                     userInfo;

       MultiSelectionHelper         helper;

       SecurityUserRole             securityUserRole;

       FormControl                  callerButton    = any2Object(this) as FormControl;

       FormRun                      formRun         = callerButton.formRun();

       FormDataSource               formDataSource  = formRun.datasource(1);

       if (element.args().dataset() == tableNum(UserInfo))


           userInfo  = element.args().record();


       next Clicked();

       securityRole = formDataSource.getFirst(true);




           daxRolesAssignmentinfoLog.ChangedBy     = curUserId();

           daxRolesAssignmentinfoLog.UserId        =;

           daxRolesAssignmentinfoLog.AssignedRole  = securityRole.Name;

           daxRolesAssignmentinfoLog.SecRecId      = securityRole.recid;

           daxRolesAssignmentinfoLog.Organisation  = curExt();



           securityRole = formdataSource.getNext();





Code to get current removing role record :


internal final class Dax_SysUserInfoManagementForm_Extension


  public static SysSecRole selectedRoleloc;

   public void TreeRolesSelectionChanged(FormTreeItem _newItem)



       next TreeRolesSelectionChanged(_newItem);

       selectedRoleloc = tree.getData(_newItem);


   public static  SysSecRole parmSysSecRole()


       return selectedRoleloc;




Code to update the custom table when role is removed :


public final class DaxSysSecAddUser_Extension


   public void clicked()


       SysSecRole                      secRole;

       DaxRoleAssignmentInfoLog        daxRoleAssignmentInfoLog;

       secRole = SysUserInfoManagementForm::parmSysSecRole();

       next  clicked();

       select forupdate daxRoleAssignmentInfoLog

           where daxRoleAssignmentInfoLog.SecRecId == secRole.getRecId();




           daxRoleAssignmentInfoLog.RemovedRole = daxRoleAssignmentInfoLog.AssignedRole;

           daxRoleAssignmentInfoLog.AssignedRole = "";







Output :