Friday, June 2, 2023

How to Update Sales Totals in D365 by X++

 My requirement is to update the sales totals based on custom fields data.

·       Create two separate fields in Sales order header.

o   Total Discount in Amount

o   Total Discount %

·       The user can enter either Total discount % or Total discount amount, if the user has entered the discount %, the total discount amount need to be calculated and show.

·       If the user has entered the total discount amount, then system need to calculate the total discount % and show.

·       Need to calculate the total discount after the line discount calculation.

·       The calculated total discount value need to push it to on the Sales total form. (Standard field).

·           Once it is pushed to standard field (Total discount), the system will take care of postings.

[    ExtensionOf(tableStr(SalesTable))]

    final class DaxSalesTable_Extension


    public void modifiedField(FieldId _fieldId)


        SalesLine   salesLine;

        select sum(LineAmount) from salesLine

where salesLine.SalesId == this.SalesId;

      next modifiedField(_fieldId);

            switch (_fieldId)


                case fieldnum(SalesTable, TotalDiscountAmount):

                  this.TotalDiscountPercentage = this.TotalDiscountAmount/salesLine.LineAmount*100;


                  case fieldnum(SalesTable, TotalDiscountPercentage):

                  this.TotalDiscountAmount = (this.TotalDiscountPercentage/100)*salesLine.LineAmount;





internal final class DaxTradetotals_Extension


    public DiscAmount  totalEndDisc()


           real oldvalue;

        SalesTable  salesTableloc = orderTable;

        oldvalue = next totalEndDisc();

        endDisc =  salesTableloc.TotalDiscountAmount;

        if(salesTableloc.SalesStatus == SalesStatus::Invoiced)


            oldvalue = 0;

            return oldvalue;




            return endDisc;





      Open Order Totals:

     Confirmation Totals :

     Picking List Tots :

      Posting  Invoice  Totals:

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