Wednesday, May 31, 2023

How to populate newly created asset to custom form in d365

 My requirement is to auto populate newly created asset to custom form. And if any updates are done in asset management it should also update in custom form.

Add status enum field in :

Path: Asset management > Setup > Assets > Lifecycle states

Add fields in :

Path: Asset management > Setup > Asset types > Asset types

Asset should be available in custom form if  Equipment integration is set to yes.

Create a custom table and form:

Create a new Asset :

The above created id should available in custom form.
Code :

internal final class DaxEntAssetObjectTableCreateForm_Extension
    public void closeOk()
        DaxEquipmentTable   daxEquipmentTable;
        next closeOk();
        FormDataSource datasource = this.dataSource();
        EntAssetObjectTable     tntAssetObjectTable = datasource.cursor();
        EntAssetObjectType      entAssetObjectType;
        EntAssetObjectLifecycleState    entAssetObjectLifecycleState;
          select entAssetObjectType
             where entAssetObjectType.RecId == tntAssetObjectTable.ObjectType;
        select entAssetObjectLifecycleState
            where entAssetObjectLifecycleState.RecId == tntAssetObjectTable.ObjectLifecycleState;
        if(entAssetObjectType.EquipmentIntegration == NoYes::Yes)
            daxEquipmentTable.AssetId = tntAssetObjectTable.ObjectID;
            daxEquipmentTable.EquipmentIDPrefix = entAssetObjectType.EquipmentIDPrefix;
            daxEquipmentTable.EquipmentType = entAssetObjectType.EquipmentType;
            daxEquipmentTable.Equipmentstatus = entAssetObjectLifecycleState.Equipmentstatus;

When an EAM Asset lifecycle is updated, then also update the equivalent TM equipment record’s status

Path : Asset management > all assests > lifecycle state > update assate state

Path: Asset management > Setup > Assets > Lifecycle states
    The  Equipment status for scrapped is RDY. It should update in custom form.

internal final class DaxEntAssetlifecycleStatusupdate_Extension
    public void closeOk()
        EntAssetLifecycleStateMap newLifecycleState;
        DaxEquipmentTable       daxEquipmentTable;
        FormRun     formRun;
        EntAssetObjectTable           entAssetObjectTable;
        EntAssetTmpLifecycleStateUpdate entAssetTmpLifecycleStateUpdate;
        EntAssetObjectLifecycleState    entAssetObjectLifecycleState;
        Common  table= this.dataSource().cursor();
        entAssetTmpLifecycleStateUpdate = table;
        formRun =  this.dataSource().formRun();
        entAssetObjectTable = formRun.args().record();
        next closeOk();
          select forupdate daxEquipmentTable 
            where daxEquipmentTable.AssetId == entAssetObjectTable.ObjectID;
        select entAssetObjectLifecycleState
            where entAssetObjectLifecycleState.ObjectLifecycleStateId == entAssetTmpLifecycleStateUpdate.LifecycleStateId;
            daxEquipmentTable.Equipmentstatus = entAssetObjectLifecycleState.Equipmentstatus;


   Go to the EAM Asset and select Install asset at location

Check the selected Functional location life cycle state.
  Based on the life cycle state , the equipment status should  update in custom form. Same as above.
 So the lifecycle status is Active, For Active we have selected "Out of service" status in lifecycle state.
  this Out of service should be updated in Custom form Equipment status field.

Code :

internal final class DaxEntAssetfunctionalLocationObjectInstall_Extension
    public void closeOk()
        EntAssetFunctionalLocation  entAssetFunctionalLocation;
        EntAssetObjectLifecycleState    entAssetObjectLifecycleState;
        DaxEquipmentTable   daxEquipmentTable;
        str functionalid;
        FormReferenceGroupControl control =, FunctionalLocation)) as FormReferenceGroupControl;
        FormStringControl   subStringControl = control.controlNum(1) as FormStringControl;
        FormStringControl   objectId =, ObjectID)) as FormStringControl;
        next closeOk();
        functionalid = subStringControl.text();
        select entAssetFunctionalLocation
            where entAssetFunctionalLocation.FunctionalLocationId == functionalid;
        select entAssetObjectLifecycleState
            where entAssetObjectLifecycleState.RecId == entAssetFunctionalLocation.FunctionalLocationType;
        select forupdate daxEquipmentTable
            where daxEquipmentTable.AssetId == objectId.text();
            daxEquipmentTable.Equipmentstatus = entAssetObjectLifecycleState.Equipmentstatus;

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