Tuesday, May 16, 2023

How to Accept over delivery/under delivery percentage for new loads in d365

 Here My requirement is to accept over delivery/under delivery percentage for new loads for purchase order line.

Example : I have purchase order line with Item A0001 and the quantity is 10.

I have over delivery and under delivery fields in Item level purchase tab. The values are 50%

and 50%.

now  50% of 10 is 5. I need to throw error if quanity is below 5 and above 15.

standard is throwing error for above 10 ,based on quantity of purchline.

Path :Product Information Management >Products> Release products 

Path: Warehouse management/Setup / Load / Load template 

path : All purchase order > Warehouse tab> load planning workbench> to new load. 

Class 1:

internal final class DaxWHSLoadTemplateAssignmentClass_Extension
    public static WHSLoadTemplateId   wHSLoadTemplateId;
       public WHSLoadTemplateId parmWHSLoadTemplateId(WHSLoadTemplateId _WHSLoadTemplateId = wHSLoadTemplateId)
        wHSLoadTemplateId = _WHSLoadTemplateId;
          return wHSLoadTemplateId;
      boolean whsLoadLineQty_validate(WHSLoadLine _whsLoadLine)
        real Underquantity,Overquantity;
        WHSLoadTemplate wHSLoadTemplate;
        WHSLoadTable    wHSLoadTable;
        boolean     ret;
        ret=next whsLoadLineQty_validate(_whsLoadLine);
        select wHSLoadTemplate
            where wHSLoadTemplate.LoadTemplateId == wHSLoadTemplateId;
        Underquantity = (_whsLoadLine.QtyLeftToStructure *_whsLoadLine.UnderDeliveryPct)/100;
        if(wHSLoadTemplate.DaxAcceptUnderDelivery == NoYes::Yes)
            if(_whsLoadLine.Qty < Underquantity)
                ret = checkFailed("The load quantity is under the deliver quantity");
            return ret;
            return ret;


Class 2 :

internal final class DaxWHSLoadTemplateAssignment_Extension
    void loadFieldData()
        whsLoadTemplateAssignmentForm whsLoadTemplateAssignmentForm = new whsLoadTemplateAssignmentForm();
        next loadFieldData();

Class 3:

internal final class DaxWHSLoadLine_Extension
    public WHSQtyLeftToLoad qtyLeftToLoad()
        whsLoadTemplateAssignmentForm   whs = new whsLoadTemplateAssignmentForm();
        WHSLoadTemplateId   loadTemplateId;
        WHSLoadLine         wHSLoadLine = this;
        WHSLoadTemplate     wHSLoadTemplate;
        InventHandlingQty   qtyLeftToLoad;
        real                qty,Overquantity;
        select wHSLoadTemplate
            where wHSLoadTemplate.LoadTemplateId == whs.parmWHSLoadTemplateId();
        qty =  next qtyLeftToLoad();
        if(wHSLoadTemplate.DaxAcceptOverDelivery == NoYes::Yes)
            Overquantity = (wHSLoadLine.QtyLeftToStructure * wHSLoadLine.OverDeliveryPct)/100;
            qtyLeftToLoad = qty + Overquantity;
            return qtyLeftToLoad;
            return qty;



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