Friday, February 17, 2023

How to get data for customized fields in customer transactions for a journal line after post.


final class DaxCustVendVoucher_Extension

public void post(LedgerVoucher ledgerPostingJournal,

                    CustVendTrans custVendTrans,

                    NoYes approval, 

                    UnknownNoYes euroTriangulation,

                    boolean withHoldTaxType,

                    boolean useSubLedger)


LedgerJournalTrans  ledgerJournalTransLocal;        

VendTrans   vendTransUpdate;        

CustTrans   custTrans;        

Common  commonLocal = common;          

next post(_ledgerPostingJournal, custVendTrans, approval, euroTriangulation, withHoldTaxType, useSubLedger);        

if (commonLocal.TableId == tableNum(LedgerJournalTrans))        


ledgerJournalTransLocal = commonLocal;            

if (custVendTrans.tableid == tableNum(CustTrans))            



select firstonly1 custTrans                

where custTrans.RecId == _custVendTrans.RecId;                


custTrans.PaymentDate = ledgerJournalTransLocal.PaymentDate;                






similarly, get the data for customized fields in vendor transctions(vend trans) just by placing vend trans table in custtrans  place.

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